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360Strobe Glasses

360Strobe Glasses


The 360 Strobe Glasses incorporate stroboscopic lenses to improve sensory and sensory-motor skills.


As the lenses flicker on and off, it is harder to process information, which helps the brain focus on visual tasks.

The resulting heightened vision capability can improve one’s eye-hand coordination, movement, balance, and reaction time.


Strobe Training Can Improve:

  • Focus - Keeping the eyes on the ball through completion of a task
  • Timing - Accurate and precise reaction timing
  • Visualization - Tracking of objects in the mind’s eye
  • Quickness - Quick and accurate execution of a movement
  • Peripheral Vision - Awareness of your surroundings
  • Balance - Ability to keep your body in a stable position


Most tennis players notice improvement after one 15-minute session!

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